Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adventure Weekend For Addie and Alex

Here is our friend Tracee holding Addie for the first time. We had lots of visitors this weekend.
Addie and Alex have had a very busy weekend. Daddy came home from a business trip late Friday night. On Saturday, we all went out to dinner with some friends, Tracee, Todd, Allie, and Alicia. Allie and Alicia were students in one of my first grade classes that I taught. It was so much fun to be able to see them! Of course, we went to one of our favorite places, Carlos O'Kellys. While we all enjoyed takling and eating lots of chips and salsa, Addie and Alex slept. Allie and Alicia had fun holding the babies after dinner. They even got to help daddy change diapers. Oh boy! On Sunday, Addie and Alex spent some time at Grandma and Grandpas house while mommy and daddy did some errand running. Then, we went and visited mommy's friend Dana that just had a baby last month. Addie and Alex met their new friend Noah for the first time. He is super cute! On Monday, the twins will get their 2 month shots. Tonight, one of our primary nurses from the NICU is coming to visit Addie and Alex. We are looking forward to seeing her! Nurse Holly can't wait to see the babies as it has been 6 weeks since she last saw them.....

Here is Allie holding little Addie. Tonight was a big night for Allie. When, I was in the hospital Tracee and Allie came to visit. Allie was so sad that she could not see the babies. So, tonight she was even able to hold them. How fun! I will never forget the night that I told Tracee that we were expecting twins. When she told Allie, we about died laughing. Allie said, "mom, do you think that since she is having two that we can have one?"

Allie and Alicia have fun holding the twins!

Alicia enjoyed this moment with Alex as he was finally not so wiggly.
She could not believe how much moving around he did. Alicia did a great job holding such a big boy!

Alex and Addie get ready for their big night out on the town!

It was like pulling teeth to get a good picture of the two of them. When Alex was not falling asleep, Addie was crying. But, here again she is the life of the party, always awake!!!!!!!!!!

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