Tuesday, December 23, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Little Christmas Tree
Hey, little Christmas tree. Is there something there for me?
Santa promised me a special present.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Alex's First Steps

Alex takes his First Step: December 21, 2008
After riding in the car for 6 hours on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Alex was ready to move.... He was so excited to get out of his pumpkin seat that will hopefully be replaced with a big boy seat after Christmas, that he started to take a couple of steps. For the past couple of weeks, he will stand on his own for a few minutes. But, last night he did it!
Today, he has taken 2 steps at a time...
Who knows, maybe by Christmas he will be all over the house!
Alex says, "I can do Anything, what can you do?"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sleepy Addie

Addie has been going to bed with her bunny and blanket now for a few months. During nap time, we let her have them in her bed the whole time. However, for the night time sleep, we take them out before we go to bed! Just the other night, I went in to take them out and this is what I saw......

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Addie and Alex would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!
While we were back in St. Louis, we visited Santa. Both of them were not real sure about sitting on his lap, but we tried our best!
Be looking for your Christmas card in the mail.
Stay tuned for pictures from our 1st birthday this Friday!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

One Year Ago Today...........

Tribute to St. Johns Mercy Antepartum Unit
One year ago today, I was admitted to the Antepartum Unit.
For severeal weeks, I had been battling pre-eclamsia. At this time, I was going to the Perinatal Center two times and week and the OB, once or twice a week. A home health nurse was also coming to the house to check in on me and the babies. At my appointment one year ago today, doctors hoped that I had my bags packed as I was not going home!!!!!!
My bags had been packed and in the car for a little over a week. So, I was prepared. However, I was not sure what to anticipate.
When I was first admitted, I had a room-mate. However, that did not last long. My blood pressure continue to rise and my high risk perinatologist requested that I be moved to a single room where it would be quiet and less distractive. So, I was moved to a double room as there were not any private rooms avialable. I spent 1 night in the double room before being told to pack up my things as they had a private room available for me..
Once I was moved, I started decorating my room as I knew that I was here for the long haul. I will not forget asking the doctors everyday if I could atleast go home for Christmas. Obviously, I was home for Christmas, but not pregnant anymore.... See below for more details about my Antepartum Journey!

Our stay at St. Johns Mercy was WONDERFUL! It was here that I felt at home and accomodated more than I could have ever wanted. I spent my days in the Ante-Partum unit staying very very busy! Here are some of the things that I did everyday.......Granted, I was supposed to be on bedrest...

Decorated Nurses Station

Created Bulletin Board in Hallway

Decorated my room

Made Christmas Ornaments for Addie and Alex

Made Christmas Stockings for Addie and Alex

Took Wheel Chair Rides

Rented movies from the Antepartum Video Store

Made Blankets for Addie and Alex as well as many nurses

Took atleast 1 trip a day to the Perinatal Center

Visited the NICU windows

Played on the Internet

Drank Sprite in the middle of the night


Where do I start to tell you about this amazing woman! Amy was one of my nurses. She spent hours trying to keep me busy as the patient activity director. We miss you Amy! I hope that we get to see you over the holidays!!!!!!!!

Thank goodness for my laptop computer!

We had tons of arts, crafts, and scrapbooking supplies to use. I tried to make something new everyday! Here are Addie and Alex's first Christmas stockings!

Here was the door to my room! It is so much fun to walk up and down the halls looking at everyone's doors. At this time, we we hoping that Addie and Alex would bake for 9 more days. However, that did not happen as this picture was taken, on December 19th, Addie and Alex's birthday.

First Birthday Gift

For those of you that are wondering..........
We did make it home with all of their birthday presents!
Thank you to all of you for the wonderful gifts for Alex and Addie!
They have had a good time this week playing with all of their new toys...

Happy Birthday Video

Happy Birthday Alex and Addie!!!!!!!

First Cupcake Video

When you watch this video, you will see just how much fun Addie and Alex had digging into their first cupcake. They were such a mess and covered with icing that we put them in the kitchen sink to wash off and the water turned yellow!!!!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

First Birthday Card

Thanks to mommy's friend Robyn for sharing this scrapbook idea. Abigayle and Olivia always look so cute in their pictures~ For my first attempt, how did I do? I can't wait to explore the scrapbook world. Thanks again Robyn~

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Waiting for the FEAST


Thanksgiving Day Part 1

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. But, as you can imagine, our schedule has been very busy! Here is part 1 of the 72 pictures that I took on Thanksgiving Day. Nope, that does not include the 90 something that Great Aunt Diane took on Thanksgiving Night. Stay tuned for more.....
Happy First Thanksgiving Addie and Alex
Here is what Addie and Alex had for their 1st Thanksgiving Feast!
Addie: turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls.
Alex: mashed potatoes, rolls, and pumpkin pie
As you can see, Addie has switched to our "I eat Anything" where Alex is being a bit more picky......

Be sure and stay tuned for Kami's performance of the Turkey Song!
I don't know who was in trouble the most today with all of the cousins together! Here is mommy with Amanda and Kami....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Trip to the Old Neighborhood

Wednesday was a very crazy day! We started out by running a few errands. Then, we went to our old neighborhood and visiting June, our previous neighbor. Unfortunately, this was the first time that June had the opportunity to meet Addie and Alex. June's family lives in Huntsville and in our previous attemps to visit her, she was in Huntsville. We hope that she will come and visit us soon!
After trying many times to get a good picture, this was as good as it was going to get. Both kids were very tired and ready for a nap. Thanks June for trying to use our digital camera. We hope that you get a computer soon to follow our blog!

Dear June,
Thanks for letting us play at your house today! We had fun crawling all over your floor and with the turkey on the fireplace. We can't wait to see you again...
Alex and Addie

Tuesday Night Pizza

Welcome Jonny's Pizza!!!!!
On Tuesday night, we headed over to Jonny's pizza for dinner.
If you are looking for a great tasting pizza here, check them out!
They are located in the same plaza as Bandanna's BBQ and the new Pasta House.
During dinner, Addie and Alex were busy eating pizza and crackers. After dinner, they had fun visiting with great grandpa. We will add Jonny's to our list of places to frequent on our trips home.
No, this is not Jonny! But, this is great-grandpa holding Addie !

Thank Goodness for the Play Yard

There are many things that we are thankful for this Thanksgiving. One of them is the FAMOUS play-yard that you have seen in many of our pictures! For those of you with twins, I don't know how you manage without this lifesaver!

Just give me a few more months, and I WILL KNOW how to get out of here!

Thanksgiving Break Play Time

Thanksgiving Break Play Time
We arrived at grandma and grandpa's house on Monday afternoon.
Thank goodness we brought some of the play-yard as they are everywhere these days!

Addie loves to talk on the phone!

Addie and Alex the STL Cardinals Fans

We are in St. Louis for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Addie and Alex could not think of a better jacket to where the other night out to dinner with grandma and grandpa! Mommy and Daddy bought these jackets last fall before the babies even were born. They fit them perfectly now!
There is no such thing as getting both of them to sit still for a picture!
Go Cardinals!
I love my new jacket...

Alex is a big boy!

Addie the Beautician

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Fun at Our House

Today has been a crazy day with getting things ready for the Holiday week!
Addie and Alex found lots of things to do while mommy and daddy were able to get everything ready. Check them out in the video below!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kids, Elmo and Sesame Street

Over the past few weeks as stores stock up for Christmas goodies, we have discovered how much the kids really like Elmo from Sesame Street. A few weeks ago we were in Sam's and there was the new Elmo Live doll. We played it and immediately the kids were in a trance. Since then, every time we go to a store we go by the toy area and look for Elmo. The kids just smile and laugh we the see him and he starts talking or singing. Since currently, the little ones don't have an Elmo doll, we have been showing them Elmo videos on You Tube. Here is a video taken this morning of Addie while watching the Elmo Video.

The next video is of a happy and relaxed Alex who was enjoying watching Sesame Street today.
The pictures that follow were taken right afterwards. The kids have figured out the camera and when they see it they stop doing what they were doing and stare at it or come towards it.

The final video is of the little one's playing together and as you will see I was spotted and Addie came to investigate.

Finally, here are some fall shots taken earlier this week out our back door. Good thing I took the pictures when I did because things don't look like this anymore :(

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Addie and Alex's First Halloween

Addie and Alex had a very exciting first Halloween. At first, we were not quite sure if we would take them trick or treating or not! But, since the weather was warm and they had warm outfits, we did take them out in our neighborhood. For only going to 8 houses, we were gone 2 hours! Of course, mommy and daddy will eat some of their candy this week!
In this picture, you can see how hard it was to keep their BEAR SHOES on!
Here is a picture from before trick or treating and we were already tired!
Mommy and Daddy did not take the stroller as the costumes were too bulky! Man, our backs were killing us when we got home as they are heavy to carry around for 2 hours!
Little Sister Bear!
Oh No! What are mommy and daddy thinking now?
Little Sister Bear Outside....
Little Brother Bear outside........