Thursday, January 29, 2009

Addie Shows off her Sweet and Sour Sides

Here is couple videos I have taken over the past couple of days of the little ones. One shows her showing Mommy how she walks and the other shows her being sweet with Alex, notice the awww, and then in the same breath showing off her sour side by pulling his hair. We are working on correcting that now otherwise poor Alex will soon look like Great Uncle Scott. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen! long time no see/hear!!!

One year is such a cute time, but I can't imagine it with 2! Frank is getting so big, he just turned 2 last week. We are pregnant again and for far off family and friends Tad started a blog himself, you should check it out.
Hope you are doing well! I have missed chatting with you!

Michelle B.
please e-mail me as I have lost your address.